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The Quarterly Report Zine No. 1

$ 25.00

THE QUARTERLY REPORT is a physical publication that is sent in the mail or purchased in your favorite bookstore or magazine shop.  Issue 1 is 96 pages, full color 10x12inches.

Each issue is an exploration of the things creative people think about when they are not doing their work. In this issue, filmmaker Sam Green thinks about Manhole Covers around the world; visual artist Hilary Pecis runs through the streets of LA; actor and travel-show host, Janet Hsieh, looks at repeating patterns around the world; Producer/Filmmaker Chris Ohlson tries not to think about anything when he walks around Brooklyn in the mornings with his son; visual artists, Alicia McCarthy, explores love and loss; visual artist Eamon Ore-Giron shows us his collection of Bolivian 45s; and artist Ken Kagami takes us on a journey of the rare sightings of Tokyo street debris. Also in this issue, Editor-at-large Will Rogan, presents a mediation on the artist studio (as the place he thinks about most often).